September 3. Guest speaker and panelist at the public event When fake looks all too real: the technology behind Deep Fake, SPUI25, Amsterdam.
October 1. What do they learn? Neural networks, compositionality and interpretability. Computational Cognition workshop, Osnabruek.
June 18. The typology of emergent languages. Interaction and the Evolution of Linguistic Complexity, Edinburgh.
May 6. The compositionality of neural networks: integrating symbolism and connectionism. CS&AI / SIKS workshop on analyzing and interpreting neural networks for NLP, ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
April 18. The compositionality of neural networks: integrating symbolism and connectionism. Internal talk at Saarland University, Saarbrücken.
March 14. On neural networks and compositionality. Internal seminar at École normale supérieure, Paris.
July 18, 2018. Visualisation and ‘diagnostic classifiers’ reveal how recurrent and recursive neural networks process hierarchical structure. IJCAI.
June 12, 2018. Learning compositionally through attentive guidance. Internal seminar at the University of Copenhagen.
May 9, 2017. Processing hierarchical structure with RNNs. Dagstuhl seminar on Human-like neural-symbolic computing.
December 7, 2017. The grammar of neural networks. SMART workshop Grammars, Computation & Cognition, Amsterdam.
December 15, 2017. Hierarchical compositionality in recurrent neural networks. Internal seminar at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
May 25, 2016. POS-tagging of Historical Dutch. LREC, Portoroz.
November 22, 2016. How may neural networks process hierarchical structure? Insights from recursive and recurrent networks learning arithmetics. Logic Tea at the University of Amsterdam.
- June 8, 2015. Using Parallel Data to improve Part-of-Speech tagging of 17th century Dutch. DH Benelux, Antwerp.